I wonder if you ever commented that the previous president was mocked not only in the US but especially around the world. Or if he was feckless when he proposed injecting bleach or nuking a hurricane. Biden might be a bit slow thanks to his age but he’s not a dangerous imbecile.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

Looks like it wasn't a great time for Putin to invade after all. Biden is feckless with Putin, not because he is old or senile, it is because of economics. He is a neoliberal like the rest of the leaders in Europe and they are global capitalists who do not want to isolate Putin and his country's wealthy elite. They want to restrict Putin if possible, but keep him as a member of their global neoliberal economic club. Biden stopped the Pentagon's plans to send more advisors to Ukraine in the summer of 2021, and stopped the shipment of jets in March. Biden and elite members of the Democratic and Republican parties aren't so much afraid of Putin starting a nuclear war, as they are of him taking his country's vast resources and oligarch wealth out of the economic slop that exists between Europe and America. The reason Biden is afraid of Putin has more to do with economics than it does war fighting. Vlad's fascist capitalism is making many elites around the world rich, and Biden can't upset that applecart.

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A good article re: Russia's practicalities in Ukraine, but it's hard to take seriously the attack on Biden when the three sources cited are two opinion pieces from right-wing think tanks and one Youtube clip of him tripping on some stairs. No politician in the world would survive that level of assessment.

Boris Johnson, a man bought and paid for, handing out aristocratic titles to Russian oligarchs with close ties to Putin? Donald Trump, a man so corrupt he undermined NATO while also withholding military aid from Ukraine in a (hoped for) exchange for political favours? The German SPD, a party with a long history of Ostpolitik, most infamously with Gerhard Schröder?

Of all the politicians to lay blame for this, your targeting is peculiar. The Western response to Russia's military build-up was unquestionably too weak, but there's a great deal of blame to go around on that score, and it's hard (read: unreasonable) to suggest that Biden is somehow at the epicentre of it.

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But realism dictated that Europe (and the US) found a spine. Sadly, with the way democracies work, you need an unexpected attack/invasion to rev up the masses. There was little appetite in the US to join WWII before Pearl Harbor.

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